"A good marriage isn’t something that just happens, it’s something that has to be worked for."

Phil grew up learning the principles to a successful marriage, being taught from an early age what God says about love, relationships, and marriage. In 2001 he started working full-time in church ministry and is currently Lead Pastor at Celebration Fox Valley in Appleton, Wisconsin. In 2013 Phil joined his father, Mark Gungor, in full-time marriage ministry with Laugh Your Way A Couples' Comedy Event. Phil has been married to his wife Kirsty for 23 years, has 4 children, and has dreams of someday becoming a professional golfer. Ok maybe he made up the part about being a professional golfer, but a guy can dream can't he? He does however have a passion for marriage, making people laugh, and a great desire to help couples thrive in their relationships.
"Laugh Your Way A Couple's Comedy Event is about helping couples get it right, get along, have fun and achieve a successful marriage."
Why a “laughter” approach? For one simple reason: to overcome the male objection to a couples' event. Let’s be honest, couples' events aren't the first thing a guy thinks of when he thinks of “a fun way to spend the weekend.” We get that…Familiar with the fact that women are usually much more open to discussing marital problems than their spouses, Laugh Your Way A Couples' Comedy Event is designed with an element of humor that appeals to couples, but is especially well-received by men.